Padum Valley

Padum Valley
Padum the capital of the antiquated kingdom of Zanskar, situated at 3505m is The Headquarter of zanskar region. Constituting nearly half the township’s population, its origin dates back to mid 17th century. With a population of around 1500, Padum is the most populous settlement of Zanskar. Otherwise, the valley counts amongst the barely inhabited ones. By chance, it is just in Padum that there is a group of Muslims constituting almost a large portion of the township’s populace. Of late, Padum has turned into a noteworthy trekking base. The closest landmark is an arrangement of antiquated shake cutting on a colossal rock close to the waterway bank, just underneath the old township. The Starrimo religious community on a tree-covered ridge above the old town houses about 30 resident monks. Pibiting, an old village near Padum is worth visiting. An outstanding manifestation of stupa architecture, it stands dominated by a charming hilltop monastery.