Rangdum Monastery

Rangdum Monastery
Rangdum Monastery is an old Buddhist shrine and monastic home, is situated more than 130 km away from Kargil. Perched atop a mountain, it looks like a citadel that overlooks and guards the serene valley.
There is ambiguity associated with the origin of this shrine – accounts suggest that the gompa was established in the 8th century while many believe it to be of 18th century. This shrine has a central prayer hall, which is equivalent to a museum due to the rich assortment of Tibetan antiques and other precious artifacts. It is also the residence of about 40 Buddhist monks who can be seen meditating in its tranquil ambience.
Some precautions to be observed while visiting a monastery:
- Visitors are required to take off their shoes before entering a prayer area
- Do not disturb Monks at prayer, and always ask permission before taking photographs
- Do not touch religious artifacts
- Do not drink, smoke, take drugs or spit in the monastery premises
- Avoid talking loudly or disturbing the peaceful atmosphere
- In many Gompa’s, you are expected to walk around the premises only in a clockwise direction
- Women may not be allowed to enter the inner prayer rooms of some monasteries